Springtime has arrived and we can go out and about again. Here are five tips to do fun things together with one friend or a group of friends.
- Play Tennis
If you already know how to play tennis, then you know how lovely it is to play outside. You can play one-on-one with a teacher, with a friend or even with three other friends on one court playing doubles. The game can be played as intensive as you make it. If you have never played tennis before, we highly recommend trying it once. You can perfectly fine book a lesson by yourself, but it’s more fun to start together with another friend. Don’t have a buddy to play tennis with, find someone with the same interests on the Shine Social Club app.
- Play Golf
Many people think one can only play golf in a group of four. But, less is true, although a classic round of 18 holes is usually done in a “flight” of four players, one can play hours on end by oneself. The sport of golf has an image that it’s just retired people playing and it’s a lazy activity. This is far from reality as one must use your complete body to hit a ball and you walk miles on end if you play a proper match. We highly recommend it, and we are not retired yet. In case you have never played golf before, call a local golf club and book a lesson, and together with a buddy it’s more fun. In case you do not have a friend that wants to start picking up this new hobby, don’t worry: the Shine Social Club is filled with golf players. They are more than happy to help you find your way in this addictive sport.
- Go for a long walk
We hear you saying out loud: we have heard the last two years we need to go for a walk. And, you are so right, you have probably never walk as much as you did during the last two COVID years. But, during the cold periods you have most probably did not go for long walks and stayed near your residence. Now that Spring as arrived, why not go visit beautiful nature reservations in your own country and go for a day long walk? Call some friends and make it a fun day out. In case you don’t have a group of friends that likes to go out and about a complete day, just log-in on the Shine Social Club app and post a digital note on the bulletin board and invite other users to join you on your adventures.
- Visit a museum
In case the weather turns wet this Springtime, why not visit a museum? The last two years where less appealing to visit a museum, if they were open at all… So, now that we are regaining our normal society situation, museums really can use your support. In case you are looking for someone to accompany you on your visits, you can open the free Shine Social Club app and filter the profiles of other users based on their interests. Many users indicated they love art. Invite them via the chat function to join you.
- City trip
The last two years we all have travelled less. Now that travel restrictions are released, we are all excited to go on foreign city trips again. Of course, there are also many cities within your own national borders that are worth visiting. Form a group and make it a fun day out with a royal lunch and a shopping spree. The more the merrier, many users of the Shine Social Club app have indicated they love to travel on their profile, and they would love to link up with other travelers to make new memories together.
We would love to hear what you thought of our five tips and obviously we would be more than glad to hear if you have any new tips for us. Team Shine wishes all Shine Social Club member a vibrant & sunny Spring period.